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Special One-Time Offer For Jumpstart Buyers ONLY

High Converting Sales Page Template- The FASTEST way to design a sales page that converts!

Regular price $97 

Today ONLY $29

(80% Off)

Now that you have everything you need to set up your first funnel get the template for designing a high converting sales page.

Industry standard sales pages convert at 3%, my sales page converts at 8% (to cold traffic)!

This template is designed using LeadPages. However, if you use a different page building software, you can use it as a guide to ensure you include ALL of the essential sections needed to convert ice cold traffic.
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  • Total payment
  • 1xTech Jumpstart For Online Businesses$17

All prices in USD

"Meagan was so pleasant and patient to work with. I would recommend her any day for any tech issues for your business.”

 - Bonnie Meadows
